Indie Music Distribution


I Went To SXSW So That You Don’t Have To

Let’s talk about indie music distribution. How can you as a creator navigate the substantial world of self-service distribution? Be clear, create a plan, and remain confident in your vision.

Independent artists, be prepared. Indie distribution companies are looking for business-minded partners that can show data driven numbers. Development is not their number one priority, so it is important to show that your brand and fanbase is already successful. Find your footing first.

Do you know what you need to be successful? This takes time. Eventually, you should be able to tell the companies that you work with what resources you require. From radio promotions, to marketing, to investments; understand your expectations and communicate effectively.

Festivals like SXSW are a great place to find distribution companies for you to network with. With the amount of noise circulating in the media, it is important to know if the company that you want to work with aligns with your goals as an artist. Do research on your own time to determine a good fit for your work.

Want to learn more about my SXSW experience? Check out my social media platforms as I lay out helpful tips about industry partnerships, distribution companies, and understanding your specific needs.