

The Trademark Spectrum of Distinctiveness

Under federal trademark law in the US, trademarks are categorized along a spectrum of distinctiveness ranging from least to most distinctive: generic, descriptive, suggestive, arbitrary, and fanciful. The level of distinctiveness of a trademark determines the scope of legal protection it can receive. Generic trademarks are common words or phrases that name the good or […]

Tips and Tricks: SXSW 2024 Recap

Over the past month, I have shared with you SXSW 2024 tips and tricks that will help you successfully distribute your project to the masses. Now, let's take a look at the best ways to navigate the festival itself.

SAG-AFTRA Low Budget Contracts

Low budget contracts aren't always straightforward. If you plan to create a film, you will need to understand the specifics and stay informed. How do you know which contract is right for you? As a signatory, how can you steer through the complexities of industry contracts, incentives, & residuals? I am here to answer all of your burning questions.

Indie Music Distribution

Let's talk about indie music distribution. How can you as a creator navigate the substantial world of self-service distribution? As an artist, learn how to prioritize your own needs independently before approaching these companies. Be clear, create a plan, and remain confident in your vision.

Demystifying Film Distribution

Filmmakers, how can you get as many eyes on your work as possible? Film distribution is an intricate process involving elaborate marketing, thorough legal preparations, and thoughtful presentation. But, don’t lets its complexity deter you from creating something great. Join me on my SXSW journey as I lay out helpful tips to get your film made, sold, and distributed.

What is Music Law & Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

Experienced Music Lawyers Simply put, music law is any law that impacts how the music industry does business. Seems simple, right? You may think so, but music law includes anything related to the business of creating, distributing, selling, performing, and even listening to music. The Hay Law Group works with musical artists, producers, and songwriters […]